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Department of Farmers welfare and Agriculture Development

Landlocked in the central part of the country, Madhya Pradesh is bounded by the states of Rajasthan to the northwest, Uttar Pradesh to the north, Chhattisgarh to the east and Maharashtra to the south, and Gujarat to the west.
Madhya Pradesh is primarily an agriculture State. About 73% population of the state is rural, which is directly or indirectly depends on agriculture. Thus Agriculture Sector is the main Stay of the State economy. The Agriculture and allied services contributes about 44% share in state economy and 78% of its working force is directly engaged in Agriculture. Thus Agriculture sector forms the backbone of MP economy. Less than half of the land area is cultivable and its distribution is quite uneven because of variations in topography, rainfall, and soils.
The Department of Farmers welfare and Agriculture Development runs various state and national sponsored schemes, like, Agricultural extension programe, Fertilizer quality control programme, augmentation of ground water, Integrated pest management and various farmers welfare oriented schemes etc.
For more details http://mpkrishi.mp.gov.in