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Design a logo for ‘Sanjay Dubri Tiger Reserve’

Start Date: 03-11-2018
End Date: 17-12-2018

Sanjay Dubri Tiger Reserve is a wildlife paradise located in Sidhi District of Madhya Pradesh in India. It is one of the finest wildlife destinations in Central India, which ...

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Sanjay Dubri Tiger Reserve is a wildlife paradise located in Sidhi District of Madhya Pradesh in India. It is one of the finest wildlife destinations in Central India, which has beautiful landscapes, perennial streams, long stretch of sand banks and rich floral and faunal life but still this place is a hidden treasure for the rest of the world.

The world famous white tiger "Mohan" was first seen in the forests of Sanjay Dubri and brought to Govindgarh Palace by the Maharaja of Rewa in 1951. All the white tigers in the world today are off-springs of "Mohan" only. In the memory of Mohan, an area of the national park has been named after this white tiger as "Mohan".

Sanjay Dubri Tiger Reserve is famous for its evergreen Sal forests. Beautiful Sal forests is favorable home for tigers and wildlife species. The extensive area of this tiger reserve includes many rivers and other perennial sources of water which are so beautiful that one can be easily amazed by the view. These rivers play vital role in maintaining productivity of forest-land and agricultural-land. Also, these water resources are life-support for birds and animals.

Madhya Pradesh Tiger Foundation Society is on the outlook of a creative and attractive logo for “Sanjay Dubri Tiger Reserve”. Hence, a logo designing competition is being organized. The logo must establish an identity for the tiger reserve. The logo must be simple and impactful. It should be designed in such a way that it can be easily enlarged and reduced to small size.

The logo design must have a glimpse of all the three features mentioned below:

1. White Tiger (Mohan)
2. Sal Tree Forest
3. Rivers and water sources flowing in the reserve area

Madhya Pradesh Tiger Foundation Society invites all Indian citizens to send entries for the "logo design" competition and showcase their talent on a national platform.

The selected entry will be awarded by the Madhya Pradesh Tiger Foundation Society with a prize money of Rs. 10,000 / -

Contest Terms & Conditions

• Participant’s name, district, email address along with phone number must be submitted.
• The competition is open to all Indian citizens only
• All entries must be original
• The text and artworks used in the logo must be in Hindi and English but separately. Also, logo should be designed such that it can be used in black/white and color format. (A candidate should submit 4 logos- 1. Color-Hindi 2. Color-English 3. Black/White- Hindi 4. Black/White-English)
• Kindly upload your logo in PDF, JPEG or PNG format
• Only one entry per person will be accepted for selection purposes
• A small description in 100 words should be provided to explain the concept of the logo
• Entries with incomplete profiles would not be considered.
• All entries would be judged by a committee constituted by the Forest Department. The decision of the committee would be final.
• The selected entry and its copyright will be the property of the department and any changes deemed fit to improve the same will be undertaken.

• By registering for participation in the contest, the participant(s) warrant that:

1. They have complied with the entry conditions;
2. Their entries are original;
3. Their entry does not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.

All Comments
Total Submissions ( 66) Approved Submissions (65) Submissions Under Review (1) Submission Closed.
65 Record(s) Found

Prashant mishra 6 years 2 months ago

Design by. Prashant Mishra
BTech mechanical engineering address 358 a / 4 Krishna Nagar kydganj Allahabad
email rlyPrashant @ innocra @
mob no.9984431240,7525001533


Ayush Nema 6 years 2 months ago

प्रस्तुत लोगो में सबसे ऊपर रिज़र्व का नाम लिखा गया है।केंद्र में सफ़ेद बाघ को दर्शाया गया है। बाघ के दायीं व बायीं ओर साल के बृक्षों को दर्शाया गया है।साल के बृक्षों के बगल में नीली धाराएँ रिज़र्व के जल स्रोतों का प्रतीक है ।इसके नीचे 'सफ़ेद बाघों,साल के वृक्षों और अन्य जानवरों की भूमि'लिखा गया है जो रिज़र्व की विशेषताओं को दर्शाता है। और सबसे नीचे बाघों के संरक्षण की अपील की गई है।

नाम-आयुष नेमा
पता-हज़ारी वार्ड,हटा(जिला-दमोह) 470775


Benjamin Das David 6 years 2 months ago

Name-Benjamin Das David, District-Sehore, Add-53/9 Emmanuel House,Chanakyapuri, Email, . Here in this logo i have shown white tiger,forest and lakes. it is a minimalist designed logo.
